Tag Archives: productivity

Surviving the brave new world of retail: How to cut small business costs

Even though the UK's economy is slowly recovering from the global financial crash and the recession this caused, times are still hard for a lot of businesses in the retail industry. As members of the public have tightened their purse-strings in an attempt to fend off financial difficulties, retailers have found it increasingly difficult to attract and keep customers. That has led to many dropping their prices aggressively in a bid to steal a march on their rivals, but this is not necessarily

The Benefits of Using A Corporate Travel Planner

At this point in your rapidly expanding business, you have been traveling more extensively to court clients further afield, to seek out vendors/factory owners in faraway lands that can greatly reduce your costs, and to seek additional financing from venture capitalists that are just dripping with the money that you need to supercharge your growth. One headache you haven't anticipated though is the surprising complexities behind business travel. Much to your surprise, there are many more processes

Could lifestyle benefits help you keep workers healthy?

We all want to be healthy and this is something that extends to employees. All but the most regressive of bosses will realise the benefits of keeping workers happy and illness-free, but what can you actually do to make this a reality? The fact is, you want the maximum productivity out of your staff base - that's the ultimate aim of an employer after all - but how can you balance this with healthy, contended personnel that don't feel overly stressed? Easy - lifestyle benefits! This article