Category Archives: Business Finance

Moving Forward After Filing for Bankruptcy

The idea of filing for bankruptcy is something no business owner wants to think about. This is such a tragic end to a business. The most important thing to remember though is that filing for bankruptcy does not mean it is the end of the road for you. There is still life after filing for bankruptcy. It is just up to you how you pick up the pieces and move ahead. Your business might have ended but you can always start something new. Compose yourself Filing for bankruptcy is not just financially painful.

Best POS And Credit Card Machines For Food Trucks

It’s 2:30 a.m. and clubs and bars are closing their doors for business. The throngs of inebriated patrons are all tapped out of cash, but they are also starving from a long night of dancing and alcohol consumption. Debit cards in hand, they approach a food truck and begin to order a bacon-wrapped hotdog. The owner then informs them that they only accept cash. This could have been easily avoided if the owner would only have invested in a portable credit card reader. Related: Best credit cards

Business Owners Can Learn a Lot from Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics is probably not the first thing on your mind as you sip coffee at the breakfast table and listen to the Today program on Radio 4. Instead, you are probably going through a mental checklist of the day ahead, thinking about meetings you have to attend, clients to call, and emails to respond to. Like many business owners, you may already have fired off a few emails and updated your Outlook calendar. Of course, you have. You’re a busy person and a business doesn’t run itself! Royalty

How to Protect Gold from Potential Government Intrusion

Image by Bullion Vault via Flickr Most would agree that one’s financial affairs ought to be your own concern and not that of the government but sadly this is not the case. Certain laws surround the buying and selling of gold, some are designed to protect national interests by limiting the circulation of unregulated funds around the world. Others do little more than fill the government’s coffers with even more of your hard earned money by taxing your wise investments. As such, it's incumbent

Tips for Buying Gold Bullion Without Being Scammed

So how can you invest in gold bullion without being taken advantage of? To begin, decide exactly what kind of gold coins you're interested in before you start shopping around and stick to it because the potential gold dealers won't be able to dissuade you to another kind. In addition, do extensive research so that you approach legitimate gold dealers. In any case, follow these tips to avoid being scammed and spending more money than you should. Watch out for counterfeit bullion coins.

A Brief History of Online Trading

Although most people imagine stock trading floors as a mass free-for-all with suited types screaming and making frantic hand gestures as they buy and sell their stocks, this scene is actually a relic from a bygone era. It's still a free-for-all of course, but today's market traders are an entirely different bunch, for the most part staring at computer screens and making virtually all of their trades at the push of a button. Although online trading seems like a recent innovation, but traders

Ways to get quick cash for your business

If you are experiencing a money gap that risks your ability to pay vendors, creditors, or your own employees, you are likely looking for a way to get some quick cash for your business. This blog post will fill you in on ways to get some greenbacks in your hands fast... 1) Get a merchant cash advance The vast majority of small business owners possess a credit card through which they charge everyday expenses. This isn't the only way you can make use of this tool though, as there are

Financial fair play – moving large sums of money across the globe

With the ceaseless march of globalisation and the significance of overseas markets for businesses of all sizes, making international payments and transferring large sums of money into different currencies has become increasingly important in recent decades. And it is not just businesses that need to make foreign transfers - individual customers often make use of these services for purposes ranging from buying a foreign property to sending money to a loved one living abroad. The fact that

Sources of Business Financing

Securing financing is a common practice for many businesses. Sometimes the options available can be a bit overwhelming. This post is designed to showcase the different ways a business can secure financing. (1) Short Term Finance: Short-term finance іѕ needed tо fulfill thе current nееdѕ оf business. Thе current nееdѕ mау include payment оf taxes, salaries оr wages, repair expenses, payment tо creditor etc. Thе nееd fоr short term finance arises bесаuѕе sales revenues