Author Archives: admin

Nearly 50% of employees do their Christmas shopping whilst at work, almost 72 minutes of company time

As the Christmas shopping rush starts an online voucher code website looked into when and where people do their Christmas shopping, they were particularly interested in looking at shopping  during working hours. 48% of employees in the UK admitted to Christmas shopping on work time, spending on average 72 minutes doing so. There is a lot of planning and organisation that goes into Christmas, with time in short supply to do these tasks. With experts predicting more shopping will happen online

Want some ways to save big on business travel?

You've come to the right post if you're looking to save big on your next business related travel plans. Groupon, the deal-a-day pioneers have done it again, but this time they're operating in the arena of online coupons. They have leveraged their relationships with big and small business and now they have signed up over 9,000 providers offering over an astounding 70,000 exclusive coupons to their website guests. You don't even have to sign up to reap all the benefits, winning! You'll see companies

Simple Business Rules for Success

Many people think starting a business is difficult, but this is not true.  It's actually very easy to start a business.  Almost anyone can do it.  Making a business successful, scaling a business, and keeping it running is where it can be difficult. For advice and inspiration, I turned to one of the most successful British entrepreneurs, Reuben Singh.  If you don't know who I'm talking about, he is the man who started the Miss Attitude retail chain at the age of 17, and then went on to

An Interview with Aaron Soury of A. Neumann & Associates

Today The Business has the pleasure of interviewing the newest team member of premier business brokerage, A.Neumann & Associates. Firstly, thank you so much Aaron for taking the time to speak with us. Let's get started! 1. Where did you grow up? I was born in the Bronx, NY in 1958.  When I was one year old, my family moved to New Rochelle, NY.  I was raised there throughout my schooling and into my twenties. 2. Where did you decide to go to college and why? I have always

Preserving the Past for Future Generations with NTT Data

NTT Data is in the process of a undergoing a massive project that will transform how knowledge is conveyed for future generations. In partnership with the Vatican Library, NTT Data is digitizing the entire priceless collection to be accessible from anywhere in the world. The Vatican Library might be the most important collection of historic works of writing and artwork on the entire planet. It was the mission of the Catholic Church to preserve knowledge for future generations, and for hundreds

Who Knows Money More, Americans or Brits? Take The Quiz!

Test your financial knowledge by taking this short quiz! You can even win an iPad! Click image to take the Money Master Challenge (via

Euro Expected to Fall Below Dollar by 2017

Deutsche Bank has issued a report stating that it expects to see the euro fall below parity with the dollar for the first time in over a decade. Deutsche Bank is Germany’s biggest bank and is the second biggest currency trader in the world. They expect that the value of the euro will slip below that of the dollar by 2017.   This is the most aggressive call yet from the bank, although it does reflect what other banks have already noted. The majority of banks have already taken an incredibly bearish

Forex Trading: Everything You Need to Know

Everyone these days is looking for an investment that is somewhat out of the box. They are tired of watching their choice stock picks move up and down liking a roller coaster. That’s where Forex trading comes in. Investors are moving their money from the stock markets to Forex markets hoping to make big bucks in a short time. Forex markets trade over $3.2 trillion daily, considerably more than any other financial market. But Forex trading is not as simple as people think. Statistics have shown

What is the difference between a non-refundable and refundable tax credit?

There are a few major differences between non-refundable tax credits and refundable tax credits in Canada. While any tax credits are surely something positive for any individual or busienss, check out this post to learn about refundable ones which can actually be considered as payments! Non-Refundable Tax Credits A tax credit that cannot reduce the amount of tax  that a person or business owes to less than zero. If a tax credit were able to reduce the amount of tax that someone owes to less

Online Business Opportunities Are The Future

Online business opportunities аrе а vеrу popular wау tо mаkе money online due tо thе fact thаt thеrе іѕ а lоw barrier оf entry аnd quick success іѕ роѕѕіblе wіth аn online business. However, mаnу people find thаt іѕ nоt аѕ quick аnd easy аѕ thеу hаd fіrѕt imagined. Sо іn thіѕ article wе wіll lооk аt hоw tо mаkе money online wіth business opportunities bу applying а number оf proven internet marketing strategies. Wе wіll аlѕо lооk